Section: Dissemination


  • V. Quéma is a full-time professor at Grenoble INP, since sept. 2011.

  • Noël de Palma is a full-time professor at Grenoble University.

  • Olivier Gruber is a full-time professor at Grenoble University.

  • Olivier Gruber is the head of the Parallel, Distributed, and Embedded Systems track in the international Master of Science in Informatics at Grenoble (MOSIG).

  • Renaud Lachaize is a full-time lecturer at Grenoble University.

  • Sara Bouchenak is a full-time lecturer at Grenoble University.

  • Fabienne Boyer is a full-time lecturer at Grenoble University.

  • Fabienne Boyer is the head of the M2PGI (Master Professionnel Génie Informatique) Alternance at Grenoble.

  • A. Schmitt is teaching a Bachelor level course on Computational Models at U. Joseph Fourier.

  • D. Pous and A. Schmitt are teaching the Proof Assistant: from Theory to Practice course at the MSTII Doctoral School (U. Grenoble).

  • D. Pous is teaching a Bachelor level course on Natural Deduction at U. Joseph Fourier.

  • HdR : Alan Schmitt, Static Analyses for Manipulations of Hierarchically Structured Data, may 2011.

  • PhD : Alessio Pace, "Gossiping in the wild – Tackling practical problems faced by gossip protocols when deployed on the Internet", Grenoble University, October 2011, V. Quéma, JB Stefani.

  • PhD : Willy Malvault, "Vers une architecture pair-à-pair pour l'informatique dans le nuage", Grenoble University, October 2011, V. Quéma, JB Stefani.

  • PhD in progress : Claudio Mezzina, "Reversibility in the higher-order π-calculus", Feb. 2012, J. B. Stefani.

  • PhD in progress : Thomas Braibant, ”Kleen algebras and circuits in Coq”, Grenoble University, started in sept. 2008, D. Pous, J.B. Stefani.

  • PhD in progress : Quentin Sabah, "Isolated actors for multi-core programming", Grenoble University, exp. May 2013, J. B. Stefani..

  • PhD in progress : Sylvain Geneves, "Etude de modèles d'exécutions dans les architectures multi-coeurs", beg Sept. 2008, R. Lachaize, V. Quéma.

  • PhD in progress : Baptiste Lepers, "MemProf: a memory profiler for multicore systems", beg Jan. 2011, R. Lachaize, V. Quéma.

  • PhD in progress : Pierre-Louis Aublin, "Robust BFT protocols", beg Sept. 2010, S. Ben Mokhtar, V. Quéma.

  • PhD in progress : Gautier Berthou, "Accountable Anonymous Communication Protocols", started in Sept 2010, V. Quéma.

  • PhD in progress : Xin An (U. Grenoble), ”Discrete control and design space exploration for reconfigurable architectures”, started in sept. 2010, adv. E. Rutten and A. Gamatié (INRIA Lille).

  • PhD in progress : Sébastien Guillet (UBS, Lorient),”Control and decision for dynamically partially reconfigurable FPGA architectures”, started in dec. 2009, adv. F. de la Motte (Lorient) and E. Rutten.